Saturday, September 3, 2011

$ THE Money Matrix $

Money !  that’s on everyone’s mind  but very few of us actually understand how it works . how those on wall street engineer and manipulate it , why cant u just keep printing currencies and make everyone rich  One may also ask that why I need to know all this when   I am good with my transistors and programming . The fact is if something goes wrong with this what I call a Money matrix all innovations or scifi technologies mentioned in this magazine or else where will remain a dream ! let me show u in brief what this money matrix is and the present economic  typhoon which is coming towards us .
Hers a fast recap . man first started with barter and as trade flourished moved on to currencies  primarily Gold and silver , they call it precious metals (PM’s)  .  As time went we switched over to fiat currencies which were still tied to precious metals . institutions like reserve banks and the Federal reserve’ s  (fed’s)  were setup in order to look after the credit and monetary conditions and also influence banking activities . everything was going smoothly until we  became more greedy and started playing  this game with our rules .

One of the major factors that govern the money matrix are intrest rates .  I learnt about their significance when I started with   Forex market which is the is the largest financial market in the world . Interest rates control the flow of money in the economy. High interest rates curb inflation, but also slow down the economy. Low interest rates stimulate the economy, but could lead to inflation.
Present Interest rate
8 %
0.25 %
0.5 %
0.1 %

Low interest rates means Cheap credit and loans ! This makes borrowing money easier. When fed’s had reduced there interest rates  to as low as 1 %  , banks at wall street went crazy with LEVERAGE . Leverage means borrowing money to amplify outcome of a deal . let me show u how it works. Suppose u have 100 Rs and with that you can buy one share of a company  . the next day you sell it for 110 Rs . You make 10 bucks !  now  if u use  leverage  from your broker and ask him to give you 10,000 Rs ie x100 leverage.  You would buy stocks worth Rs 10,000 i.e 100 shares  and when u sell them for 110 Rs per share you get  11,000 Rs  subtract  10,000 Rs which you borrowed ,  you are still left with whooping 1000 Rs much better than your initial 10 bucks ! Leverage turns good deals into great deals . Wall street  made millions of such great deals using cheap credit .

But hers comes the ugly part .you like stories, don’t you ! meet uncle america . he has lot of bill’s to pay . Almost 4 trillion dollars every year and his income is around 2 trillion dollars. To meet this gap he does what most  Americans do, he borrows money . when he takes a loan he calls it Bonds. Bonds can be held by  investors , banks or even foreign governments. He promises to pay intrets on these bonds just as u do . Now something interesting happens when uncle America borrows money , it make his country look richer and other countries look poorer .when that happen     1 USD buys a lot of their money . now  foreign  countries  can pay their labors only few pennies and with such cheap labor costs they can sell their products to Americans cheaper than any other American manufacturer . the only way for American manufacturers  to compete  is to move their factories to foreign countries and use cheap manpower . this means less jobs in their own country and gives rise to recession .

Remember the interests which he had to pay ! to pay his interests he borrows even more money  And now that borrowing has reached  a mind bobbling 14trillion dollars ! that’s a big amount . But he can do one thing to make money . its to just make it ! He gives a phone call to feds and money starts printing like magic and gets deposited in banks . But the more of something is ,the less its worth ! That’s why commodities like Gold, oil, food, metals become costlier when uncle America does his money making magic. That’s called Inflation!

     Now this is where Uncle America is in  catch 22 !  With Recession in place he cant increase taxes to increase his earnings nor he cant print more money without making inflation worst!  Recession + Inflation, that’s called Stagflation.
For now all he can do is keep borrowing even more money . but the confidence of investors and bankers  in him is going down. Recently he lost his AAA credit ratting and now running out of people to borrow money from. Sooner or latter a time will come when he can no longer pay his bills. That will be biggest economic crisis world has witneesed and no one knows what happens next . for now we can educate ourselves and prepare for what maybe extraordinary circumstances !  

References  :
Ø  Book : A Beginner's Guide to the World Economy Randy Charles Epping

By -  Mihir.P.Thakkar                                                       
TE – EXTC .                                                                                            

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

For indians By indians !

Recently Launched Sakshat is the next big thing in tablet market . Although the device is said to cost $30-$35 to manufacture, the Indian government may subsidize initial shipments by up to 50% taking the cost to student down to just $15 so no wonder if u see this with every indian tekaware !

It supports a web browser, PDF reader, office software, media player, multimedia input/output capabilities, video conferencing (it must have a camera, then) and remote device management capability — all of it open-source and Linux-based.
 This project was the outcome of experts coming together. The IT specialists came up with this idea at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras and IIT Bombay. These laptops are going to be given out by HRD ministry. It is being considered that these laptops would prove to be an asset for the students and will give them opportunity to excel in education.They said Sakshat Tablet will be delivered to IIT Rajasthan students by the end of Jun 2011 .

nature inspired !

tekno snap

Pic shows a computer controlled etch a sketch . 2 steeper motors are used to control the knobs . extensive use of meccano and state of the art electronics !!
link to the project page

Friday, February 4, 2011

A quick Guide on making a FREE professional Website !

U have been surfing those websites for years now , n i bet u wonderd how they code this stuff !now its time to do bit more rather just appreciating those webmasters .I am not here to speak about those "instant websites" wherin u choose a template and write a headder " Raju's website " and have a domain like .
This tutorial is just a launch pad from where u'l get basic idea behind websites, domains,hosting etc.... and after that u can learn with more advance tools . for eg here i will talk about making a html pages quickly using WYSWYG web builder (wat u see is wat u get :) and after that u can learn Adobe Dream weaver (which i dislike !) .

now before we go ahead we need a software. so just start downloading and return to this page so that by the time u read further it will be on ur pc . (cracked version we recommend u buy it )

step 1 : Reading-understanding- Re-reading the BASics

breifly a website will essentially consist of three parts
1. A Webpage (or a group of web pages )
2. a hosting server - place where your website resides . 
3. and a domain - An appropriate name given to the adress of your website .   
it is a myth that a website is all about "domains" on the contray its less significant than other 2 . as the Post is about making free websites we will be dealing with free domains and free webhostings .   
imagine that you need to share some information with everyone and for this you have written your noble words on a peice of paper . this page where you have your texts ,pics is your webpage .now u also need a place to keep that webpage . this is your hosting server . internet is nothing but a group of conneted computers and websites reside on computers which are always switched on(ideally) . now if u can afford to keep your own pc online for 24hrs365days and have huge RAM , processor speed , very high upload Bandwidth bla bla bla ..... u can host your website from your own pc .i will be soon posting on " hosting your website from your own pc"  but even that will be for educational purpose onli coz u got so many free webhosting providers (with 99.9% uptime and large disk space).

Step2: creating a simple webpage with wyswyg

open the portable version of wyswyg web builder you downloaded .
insert > text > my first webpage
 file   > save website

this simple drag and drop integrated devlopment environment makes this task very simple .i dont want to go into designing part , just play with your imagination.

step3: create a webhosting account

two very good free webhosting providers that i have come accross are
2.       ( browse this website with google chrome i had problems with IE for this site )  
i have selected 000 webhost for this post because its control pannel is bit easier to understand and ticket based support system is good enough . one drawback is that they take around 24 hrs to activate your account .
now after activating , goto account details and note down your FTP details . return to your Wyswyg builder and goto file > publish > add > remote location > fill your details ( see the screen shots ) > test connection
and if everything is ohkay , u will get a sucess message . click on " publish "
Note : the directory which you upload should already exsist . U should use   /public_html

step 4 : setting up a domain
doamin which we will use is  " .co .cc " as it shows u will actuly use a free subdomain like
there are many more out there but this one doesnt sound bad ! once you have experience with this u can get yourself a professional doamain or .in for few dollars!

signup at
goto set up doamins
select service type name server
and use > , ( see the screen shot )
save the settings
U are done  !!! now all u need is patience !! it may take upto 48 hrs for changes to take place .

feel free to post your suggestions/doubts .....

Related upcomming articles

> hosting your own website
> Web designing using Wyswyg

screen shots :