Thursday, June 28, 2012

Msp 430 -- ultimate

get fooled - NO more

  Fooled by randomness -  if u have brains of an engineer u will love this shit ! first of all this isnt a book review because i think i don't stand anywhere on this subject to write a review sort of thing (me too being victim of randomness and accepting things as they are presented ,,not questioning much) .  the author goes far beyond bookish probability theories and his hardcore skeptic nature just reflects on each and every page . his idea behind the book is to tease those who take their knowledge and its quality too seriously. topics like survivor ship bias , monkeys on typewriters , how we are  probability blind by default and many more openly challenge what u knew up till now .
   i admit that i dint understand some of his ideas not because i wasn't convinced but that he is strongly against empiricism and i am surrounded by people who take "past data" too seriously.
i recently got my hands on a book called " SUPER freakonomics " which takes past DATA too seriously . while the authors use one whole chpt. to convince their readers why they are talking so much statistics ,, if u read this book first then "fooled by randomness" u will be highly disappointed(maybe ur past whole month went in vein so better go other way round)

THE Robbot basic simulator

few months back when i was participating at iit wall follower competetion i was looking for a simulator to test my algorithms ,, and this is what i got -robot basic simulator which far more than just a robo simulator ,,  a large set of predefined functions and commands (including support for ports , internet , file manipultion etc .. ) makes it a versatile tool . it is one of the tools that u must surely put your hands on. 
software page

Getting started :
check diffrent examples that come with the software itself
play with some of my codes 
> ball sim1
> ball sim2
 > ball sim with graph

still to come > using robot basic to graph sensor data from arduino
                    > controlling your pc from tv remote with arduino + robot basic